Corporate governance and transparency are material issues for Vitasoy. We regularly review our systems and guidelines across our operations to ensure we maintain a high level of transparency and accountability.

Risk management

The nature of our business and the environment in which we operate expose us to potential risks, which occur in many ways and can impact our stakeholders, reputation, finances, operations and the sustainability of our Group. Such business risks cover all aspects of the Group’s operations, including but not limited to ESG issues. To prepare for and mitigate the negative impacts of specific business risks, such as climate change, fair labour practices and responsible raw material sourcing, we monitor them closely through our risk management framework.

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Business ethics and integrity

Business Ethics is one of the top material issues identified by our stakeholders. Vitasoy maintains our high standards of business ethics and corporate governance through the Business Ethics Policy and the Code of Business Conduct for Suppliers and Customers. Vitasoy has zero tolerance for all forms of corruption and bribery.

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Vitasoy has developed and implemented policies and guidelines to help steer and formalise our existing practices around Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues. We will continue to develop and introduce new policies to strengthen our sustainability management and corporate governance.

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Governance structure

Vitasoy is firmly committed to compliance of statutory and regulatory corporate governance standards and adherence to the principles of corporate governance emphasising transparency, independence, accountability, responsibility and fairness. The Board of Directors or its delegated Board Committee will review the corporate governance practices from time to time to ensure their alignment with the Company’s corporate culture as well as interests and expectations from our shareholders, the investing public and the other stakeholders.

At Vitasoy, we believe that our sustainability governance structure strengthens our accountability and, by extension, the overall performance of Vitasoy as a responsible company.

The Board holds the overall accountability for the company’s ESG strategies and performance. To drive our ESG agenda with dedicated Board-level oversight, we have set up a Board-level ESG Committee in 2020. Our Group Executive Sustainability Committee became operational in July 2018, reports to the ESG Committee, recommending goals, strategies and initiatives, overseeing their communication and implementation across the Company, and integrating sustainability into day-to-day operations.

To drive accountability, Vitasoy has incorporated sustainability performance as part of the performance criteria for the leadership team and middle management since FY2017/18.

Vitasoy Board Committees and Sustainability Governance Structure

Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Remuneration and Nomination Committee
Audit Committee
ESG Committee
Group Executive Sustainability Committee
Working Group

Board of directors

The Board of Directors is committed to achieving high standards of corporate governance practices as well as the company’s mission of building value for our shareholders.

Mr. Winston Yau-lai LO

Mr. Winston Yau-lai LO

Executive Chairman

Mr. Anthony John Liddell NIGHTINGALE

Mr. Anthony John Liddell NIGHTINGALE

Independent Non-executive Director

Mr. Paul Jeremy BROUGH

Mr. Paul Jeremy BROUGH

Independent Non-executive Director

Dr. Roy Chi-ping CHUNG

Dr. Roy Chi-ping CHUNG

Independent Non-executive Director

Ms. Wendy Wen Yee YUNG

Ms. Wendy Wen Yee YUNG

Independent Non-executive Director

Ms. Yvonne Mo-ling LO

Ms. Yvonne Mo-ling LO

Non-executive Director

Mr. Peter Tak-shing LO

Mr. Peter Tak-shing LO

Non-executive Director

Ms. May LO

Ms. May LO

Non-executive Director

Mr. Roberto GUIDETTI

Mr. Roberto GUIDETTI

Executive Director

Mr. Eugene LYE

Mr. Eugene LYE

Executive Director

Board Committee

Mr. Paul Jeremy BROUGH (Chairman)
Mr. Anthony John Liddell NIGHTINGALE
Dr. Roy Chi-ping CHUNG
Ms. Wendy Wen Yee YUNG
Ms. Yvonne Mo-ling LO
Mr. Peter Tak-shing LO
Ms. May Lo

Mr. Paul Jeremy BROUGH (Chairman)
Mr. Anthony John Liddell NIGHTINGALE
Dr. Roy Chi-ping CHUNG

Mr. Winston Yau-lai LO (Chairman)
Mr. Roberto GUIDETTI
Ms. Ian Hong NG

Mr. Anthony John Liddell NIGHTINGALE (Chairman)
Ms. May LO
Mr. Winston Yau-lai LO
Mr. Roberto GUIDETTI
Mr. Eugene LYE

Corporate Information

Ms. Carrie Yee-kwan SO


Ms. lan Hong NG

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Tuen Mun,
New Territories,
Hong Kong

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