Vitasoy has been offering plant-based beverages since our establishment in 1940. Over the years, providing a sustainable source of nutrition and contributing to a healthy lifestyle remains one of Vitasoy’s business focuses. Through our R&D efforts, we build a portfolio of plant-based products to support consumers’ needs for a healthy, nutritious diet.


Amid dialogues with internal and external stakeholder groups, it became clear that climate change, emissions, water stewardship, energy efficiency and waste management were fundamental issues to both Vitasoy and our stakeholders.

Resource management

A product arises in primary production. As the volume of product production increases so too does the manufacturing footprint, and so too will our efforts to monitor and responsibly manage our use of precious natural resources, namely water and energy which includes fuel and electricity.



Managing the energy that we use helps to reduce both our emission footprint and operational costs. We are committed to the efficient usage of fuel and electricity, and are exploring clean energy options.



Base Year








KPI definition: Reduce fuel used to manufacture each unit of product (Unit: kWh per kg product)
Carbon footprint
Carbon footprint
Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint

Tackling climate change is a top priority on the global agenda. Climate change is a global threat to the life of humanity and the health of the planet. It will also affect our business, customers and supply chain. We believe businesses have an important role to play in the fight against climate change, and collaboration is a key and effective way to combat climate change.



Water is a key ingredient for most of our products as well as for production including heating, cleaning and cooling. We are committed to using water responsibly to contribute to the sustainability and quality of water resources. To manage water usage with an aim to maximise efficiency, we track the use of water to understand usage patterns and adopt reuse and recycling approaches.



Base Year












KPI definition: Reduce water used to manufacture each unit of product (unit: kg per kg product)


The main waste output resulting from our production process is “okara”, a solid residue which is the by-product of soy milk production. We have been exploring different methods to retain the nutrition value of okara to promote circular waste systems.













KPI definition: Recycling Rate



Zero waste to landfill







KPI definition: Zero Manufacturing Waste to Landfill is defined as at least 98% of solid waste is avoided to landfill each year


The success of our business is heavily reliant on securing a steady supply of quality ingredients. We are aware that as the potential for climate-related emergencies escalates, our suppliers are at risk of bearing the negative impacts of unstable and extreme weather conditions, water scarcity, and soil degradation. Mindful of the environmental challenges that confront our supply chain, we must also be vigilant to manage possible social and ethical pitfalls. We will continue to work closely with our value chain partners in an open and collaborative manner to share our values of sustainable and responsible sourcing and ethical business.

Supplier responsibility principles

We select suppliers who demonstrate sound sustainable practices and are aligned with our Supplier Responsibility Principles.


We commit to using non-GM ingredients. Our Non-GM Policy requires us to be compliant with standards and procedures regarding the review of non-GM certificate/declaration, 3rd party laboratory test reports, regular in-house GM tests, and regular audits on soybean suppliers and other edible raw material suppliers.

Sustainable farming guidelines

In support of sustainable agricultural practices, Vitasoy has developed Sustainable Farming Guidelines as a key tool in our responsible procurement approach. The guidelines stipulate requirements for the control of relevant practices including the proper management of fertiliser, land, water, waste, energy and greenhouse gas emissions, pest, weed and disease, biodiversity, social aspects, and the supplier’s value chain.


An engaging, diverse, inclusive and safe workplace helps to enable greater engagement between colleagues and with the Company as a whole. An engaged workforce strengthens our branding as an employer and attracts diverse talent which increases our capacity to meet the challenges and opportunities of a complex business environment.

At Vitasoy, we strive to create a work environment that enables job satisfaction and a higher sense of purpose. A stable workforce is important for the sustainability of the Company. We are committed to promoting equal opportunities in every area – from compensation and benefits to recruitment, training and development as well as promotion opportunities.

Staff engagement and wellbeing

Staff engagement helps us stay in touch with the needs and requirements of our workforce, ultimately boosting productivity and workforce stability. Staff are updated on the Company’s latest developments and strategies through various channels, such as regular newsletters and town hall meetings. To encourage two-way communication, we organise engagement surveys, employee forums, and staff briefings from time to time to collect their feedback. We also arrange recreational activities regularly on wellness and health to encourage a healthy lifestyle and to strengthen collaboration across the organisation.

Purpose Driven and Values Aligned Competencies

At Vitasoy, we inspire colleagues to understand and live up the company’s purpose and values. For everything we do, we start with the why and therefore we will be driving our collective actions towards the company’s future state. We make day to day business decision in accordance with our values and we exhibit values-aligned behaviours when we interact with various stakeholders. Vitasoy’s valued aligned behaviours requirements are set out as Vitasoy Success Drivers, which have been incorporated into the company’s Performance Management System (PMS).

Learning and development

Learning and development

Vitasoy is offering abundant opportunities to enhance colleagues’ skillsets and capabilities. The “Advancement” mindset is embedded in our culture and colleagues strive to learn and develop continuously. Our colleagues are “Growing Together” with Vitasoy, they are developing and expanding their career while our business is accelerating concurrently. We adopt a 70-20-10 rule in learning and development, that is with 70% of learning through on-the-job experience, 20% learning from people and 10% structured learning such as courses, webinars or blended programs. We believe our commitment in people development is a key tool to attract, engage and retain the right talents for the sustainable growth of our business.

Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion

To enhance diversity and inclusion in Vitasoy, we have developed policies and provided training to ensure that our labour practices are in line with local or international standards and requirements. We have also put in place policies and processes to address equal opportunity, anti-discrimination, anti-harassment, employee health and safety, ethical business practices and grievance procedure.

Health and safety

Health and safety

Vitasoy remains steadfast and resolute on the health and safety of our staff. Our Group Safety Committee comprising management and technical staff oversees our OSH policies and practices. We are committed to achieving zero lost time injury and have put in place preventive and corrective measures to remove hazards and prevent accidents.

Staff attend regular work safety training sessions on quality and safety procedures to update and reinforce their knowledge and awareness. Standard OSH training is provided to all new staff. We also engage an external accreditation organisation to conduct audits on the safety of our production lines according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and ISO Standards.









*KPI definition: Lost Time Injury Rate


Vitasoy is passionate about supporting healthy lifestyles through our product offerings, advocacy and education initiatives, aiming to develop the minds of individuals living in the communities where we operate.

Given the nature of our business, we focus our community efforts on two major areas:

  • Advocacy and consumer education for a healthy lifestyle
  • Support for environmental protection

Nourish your body, nourish your mind

To maximise the positive impacts of our efforts, we have leveraged our resources and assets in collaboration with local non-government organisations (NGOs) to tailor our initiatives to best suit the needs of the local communities.

  • Vitasoy University Grant

Since 2016 the Vitasoy University Grant has been offering financial aid to outstanding undergraduate students from underprivileged backgrounds. Over the years, we have provided grants to:

  • Huazhong Agriculture University in Wuhan, China
  • Jiangnan University in Wuxi, China
  • Shanghai Normal University in Shanghai, China
  • Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China


  • Nutrition Exploration Journey

Vitasoy Hong Kong collaborate with different local partners to promote healthy diet through its Nutrition Exploration Journey Programmes. We supported St. James Settlement’s Grant-in-aid Brighens Children’s Lives Services and helped children and students to gain knowledge about nutrition and develop a healthy lifestyle through talks, field trips and interactive workshops.

Support to environmental protection

Apart from our efforts to nourish and educate communities, we encourage people to adopt a more conscious mindset to support environmental protection.

  • Beverage Carton Clean Recycling Education Programme
    In October 2019, Vitasoy launched its Beverage Carton Clean Recycling Education Programme, a first of its kind in Hong Kong, China. Along with increasing the recycling capabilities of the territory, the programme also brought together multiple major stakeholders in a collaborative effort to educate local students and communities whilst supporting the development of a local beverage carton recycling value chain. A series of educational events were organised in primary and secondary schools to enhance their recycling awareness. The programme included eco-talks, facility visits, arts and crafts classes, and inter-school competitions. To promote the knowledge about environmental protection, the Vitasoy Carton Recycling Mobile Education Centre toured around local communities to showcase how beverage cartons are made and recycled. This mobile centre served as a collection point for clean beverage cartons.
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